Tuesday, March 01, 2011


FOUND SOMETHING for my cauldron!!!! With shallow roots, and PERENNIAL.... not ANNUAL!!!!


Walmart had bags of roots...... 10 roots for $3 bucks!!!!

And the cauldron is perfect for them!!!!! Full to half shade, just enough soil for their roots, and they get bigger, and spread each year!!!!

I know 30 roots isn't much, after all the cauldron is 5' across, but in a few years it will be filled with strawberry's!!!!

Now, I have blueberry's, gooseberry's, and strawberry's, my garden is getting YUMMMMMMMY!


Mother Moon said...

enjoying some blueberries and strawberries as I read this... a yummy treat.. and who can resist such a good buy...

Leanna said...

I am so jealous!

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Great idea! Yummy too!


Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Great idea! Yummy too!


Diandra said...

Woohoo!!! Strawberries!

I'm cosnidering planting a few in big plastic bags, just to drive the BF crazy... (^v^)