Some new pictures of the garden. The new growth bamboo is going nuts!!! It's twice the size of the old bamboo.... and while lots of work in the spring, preventing the spread of it all over the yard, well worth it in the end.
This is the bamboo that I got shipped direct from china, very rare plant, actually two plants... the small one is black bamboo, also from china. Who knew that they would love NJ!!!
Also the witch's broom in FULL bloom. I'm so glad I got the pink..... even though it's more deep pink and yellow edges.... the all yellow is pretty also, but the pink is the BEST!!
And a picture of the "stone crab" I picked up at home depot. He fits in nice.
And a full picture of the cauldron with the MYSTERY iris's!!!!! All purple, but you know I'm kinda liking it. The rosemary and lavender around the base of it has quadrupled in size since I planted them. They love the sun and heat, and dry conditions. And the pansy's are doing good, still blooming strong!!!
Wet Cat Wednesday
5 days ago
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