For those of you who love raising herbs, but have no idea what to do with them afterwards, here's a few tips.
When growing herbs, make sure you don't grow them near, or use pesticides on them. Keep the growth natural, not even using fertilizer on them.
When they are grown, and BEFORE they flower, except for herbs that the smell is in the flower, like lavender..... that should be cut when the flower is in full bloom, you can always use the leaves and such later on in the year) cut them close to the ground, bundle them up (please use natural twine to do this, and tie them about half way down the stems) and hang them, stems up, in a dry, cool, shady place.
You can use your back porch, or basement, or even just a inside room away from the windows.
You don't need to use sun to dry herbs, it causes the properties to break down. Shade is best.
Let them hang for as long as it takes to dry, this could take days, weeks, or even months, and time won't make a difference, so make sure they are well dry.
Then, break them up, and store in jars or Tupperware. I love Tupperware for this!!! Keeps them air tight, and I can stack the containers on shelves till they are ready to use. MAKE SURE YOU LABEL THEM!!!
I've forgotten that before, and have to play a "sniffing" game trying to figure out what is what.
this is when you take the dry or fresh herb, and pour boiling water over it, and let it steep. Make sure the pot is covered. You don't want the steam to escape. After it cools, bottle it up and keep in the fridge, or drink it hot.
This is used for woody herbs or stems or roots. They have to be chopped up, you add them to a saucepan, and bring to a boil, and allow to simmer for 15 minutes. Again, bottle, and refrigerate... And Label the bottle!
They can be tricky. You have to use a mixture or water and alcohol in a 5 to 1 mixture. I find using vodka or brandy is totally dandy for the ones you want to ingest). Add the herbs,(of course after drinking some of it to make room for the herbs! GIGGLE) close the bottle, and let it sit for 2 weeks or more.
"Add excitement, herb of spice,
Restore my interest in the life.
Indifference, please, now chase away.
Remove this villain now, I say!"
Just Do It
1 day ago
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