It's my BIRTHDAY! And you all may think I'm grouchy cause I'm aging... but I couldn't give a flying fig about that.
This is my cake? Nope, even when I could eat cakes, NEVER GOT ONE!
The last Birthday party I got was when I was 8 years old! My older sister kept having them, and even had a "sweet Sixteen" Party.... but not me.
Everyone seemed to forget about me, I was the quiet one, the one who never complained.
As I grew older, my Mother OFTEN forgot my birthday all together.
And my Hubby....well, he didn't believe in birthdays (except of course his own!!) Never took the kids shopping to get something for Mom, never got me a gift, or made a cake, or had a party!!!!!
So another birthday has come.... and while I may get "happy birthdays" on my facebook, and a few people may send me E-Cards, or even call.... But, that will be it!
Years ago my girlfriend had a surprise party for me... the most wonderful memory I have!
I have given a ton of party's for others, but this was the first one for me.... and I guess the memory will have to last me forever!
So I'm grumpy....
Religion in a Nutshell
1 day ago
Happy Birthday! I've thrown myself the occasional birthday bash over the years -- don't wait for other people!
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day! Throw yourself a party, go get a cake and ice cream and balloons and enjoy it all yourself! I've done that several times and it isn't so bad, really.
A very happy birthday to you. Can relate. Just that I didnt want to bee seen. Learnt over the years to celebrate myself. Get yourself a cake, treat you to something special. Safe hugs
That's not fair... I am sending You some hedgies and cakes and love and everything just to make You happy on this day! A very happy birthday, and as said before me - treat Yourself a birthday celebration!
Happy birthday to you.. hope you have a simply wonderful day...
Ah, so sorry to hear that! Hope you have a great day!! If I was closer I would so throw you a party!!!!
Happy Birthday dear blogger-friend.. My b-day is I totally know how you feel. I say have your own party..go eat ice cream and have a great day! Don't wait on others to decide you are deserving of deserve everything!
Awww, your all so sweet, but I was just realy grumpy. Couldn't eat the cake, allergic, but I did buy some chocolate ice cream and gonna eat it alllllll myself. Plus I bought myself another doll! and it actually arrived today! what luck. don't worry I woun't be grouchy for long.....:)
Happy Birthday!!!!
I'm glad you bought yourself something. I'm a firm believer in buying my own presents! That way I always get what I want!
Happy Birthday!
Glad you bought yourself something nice. Sometimes the best presents are the ones we give ourselves. At least they are for me. :)
Hello. And Happy Belated Birthday. I have followed your blog for awhile but not commented until today. I would like to tell you that I understand completely. I do agree with Debra, give yourself, birthday, anniversary, Halloween, Wednesday or just because I'm worth it celebrations every chance that you get. Honest. You love you, you want you to be happpy, you like to surprise you (on no, that's me). The reason I am trying to give you hope husband of 38 years is a Sweet Man just not very thoughtful. No presents or flowers or birthday parties until this year. Our grandkids moved here last June, he has seen how hurt our daughter has been by lack of "attention". He actually took the grands to the store to by me a Valentine. I almost fainted. He never did that when our daughter was little for any holiday. But the kicker is...he bought me one too and then said, I should have been doing this all these years. OMG....honey, there's hope but don't wait for it. GO FOR IT.....Linda in New Mexico
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