Pattern for a poppet! I know it looks like a gingerbread man.... giggle.... be sure to sew it by hand, adding embelishmets like eyes, heart, and so on.
First you will need to form a bond between the person and the doll.
Use this simple naming ritual:
"Little one, I made you and now I give you life
I name you (persons name)
Her body is your body
Her breath is your breath
Her passion is your passion
Her blood is your blood
Though separate you were
Now you are one."
A poppet to represent the person you wish to bind
Patchouli leaves
Charcoal block
Black candle
Red ribbon
White cloth
Make a poppet to represent the person you wish to bind.
Burn patchouli leaves and frankincense on a charcoal block.
Light a black candle and pass the poppet through the incense smoke saying:
Hecate, great Goddess of life and death,
I ask you to acknowledge that this Creation of cloth be known as Flesh and blood of.(name).
Wrap the poppet tightly in red ribbon, paying close attention to the area you wish to bind,
i.e.: the genitals of a rapist, the mouth of a slanderer.
As you wrap, say:
Between the worlds in Hecate's eyes you (name) are bound powerless.
In the eyes of this world, you are harmless.
Imagine a heavy net made from a white light.
Imagine the net clinging to the poppet.
Wrap it in a piece of white cloth and bury it close to the person's house
(or by the ocean and bid the sea to bless it).
Grave dirt or earth
Rosemary Sage
Piece of smoky quartz
Piece of amethyst
Some item from the person
A poppet can be sewn to represent the malicious person.
Fill it with earth (grave dirt if you can find it), rosemary, sage, a piece of smoky quartz and a piece of amethyst.
Also enclose a piece of the person's fingernails, a lock of hair, or
another personal item. Handwriting can be enclosed if you have nothing else.
Photos can be used also.
Take a poppet and sprinkle it liberally with blessing oil.
Rub a perfume oil all over your hands and hold them over the dolls head, palms open and say:
You are very ill-be healed
You will recover-be healed
Heal! Heal! Heal!
Now blend equal amounts of Rosemary perfume oil, Violet perfume oil, (also,Voodoo oil and Damnation powder, can be used if you know where to buy it!). Mix thoroughly until you have a paste.
completely coat the doll from top to bottom with this mixture and repeat the words given above.
After several times, carefully wrap the coated doll in a piece of red cloth and hide it away,
it must not be seen for several days. Then take the doll and burn it and scatter the ashes to the wind.
Religion in a Nutshell
17 hours ago
Had not really every spent much time on poppets. This is very interesting, thanks for sharing.
I always love learning new stuff here!!!
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